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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Has anyone heard of this new iPhone app, Find My Friends? Apparently, in this day and age of social media app, Foursquare, more location apps are being developed to track people down. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Foursquare, it's an iPhone app that allows users to pinpoint where they are, or better yet, let their friends know where they are by checking into the various locations that they are visiting. Well, Find My Friends is a new Apple app that simply locates and pinpoints iPhone users geographically using Google Maps. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

For one New York City couple, this new app is a very bad thing because it ended their marriage. Then again, was it really the app that ended the marriage or was it the unfaithful wife that ended the marriage. I'll let you decide. The story about Thomas Metz and his cheating wife goes like this:

Metz recently bought his wife the new iPhone 4S and loaded the Find My Friends app on the phone without her knowing. She told him that she was at her friends house in the East Village, but he had suspicions about her meeting some guy who lived Uptown, and would you believe it? Find My Friends had her pinned at that exact location, Uptown! So, to test her, Metz texted her asking where she was, and she told him that she was on 10th Street, which is nowhere near the point that her iPhone was saying that she was, which makes the screenshots to the right, unbelievable evidence when the lawyers meet for the divorce settlement. According to Meltz, "Thankfully, she's the rich one!"

According to one NYC divorce lawyer, Metz is going to need more than a screenshot if he wants to bust his wife in divorce court, saying that this doesn't actually 'prove adultery', but it does prove that she's a liar, at worst, which is not grounds for divorce. Unfortunately, I would have to agree with the lawyer because unless there's photos of his wife actually committing adultery, all this really proves is that she lied about where she was. It's just his assumption that she was having an affair with this man Uptown.

To be honest, I don't know why, but this whole messy story just seems so hilarious! I guess that I just find other's misfortunes entertaining! You can read this whole story right here: http://gizmodo.com/5850571/find-my-friends-destroys-its-first-marriage

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