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Welcome to a blog that has become home of the stupid....And what I think about their stupidity.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


 Normally, blondes that look like the girl on the right are, stereotypically, pretty dumb. Well, why should this instance be any different? To be honest, this story is almost like a real life blonde joke! Did you hear about the blonde bartender who went on a racist rant using her Facebook page? Ha-ha! She got fired! Idiot!

It's turns out; Jessica Elizabeth (probably not her real name), now an ex-bartender at Proof, a high-end Chicago night club, lost her job after she started a conversation on her Facebook page about African Americans, dropping the N word like it was going out of style and calling them "apes" and "f**king animals." Woah! Really? On Facebook? Did Miss Elizabeth (Ha! Not Macho Man's Miss Elizabeth R.I.P.) not realize that she was on a public social media site, where everyone can read her random thoughts? In this case, her racist random thoughts like: "Wow, so insane how one race of people can be so f**king incompetent and disgusting!" Can you picture this coming out of this girl’s fingers?

Here's the best part, though! Surprisingly, several of her Facebook friends seemed to feel the same way and joined in with the racist rants of their own. One of her friends wrote, "Wanna beat them up? Because I'd like to, with some of them." Elizabeth responded with "I just dropped one on her f**king nasty face and huge nose. They really are apes and must not be fully developed." Wow! I have to admit that I can be pretty racist from time to time, but in a joking manner. I'm not out to hurt anyone's feelings, but this girl puts me to shame! She is unbelievable!

Finally, one of her friends, who also seemed to work for the nightclub, and actually had somewhat of a resemblance to a brain, piped in that something was wrong with Elizabeth's rant, as she wrote: "Hey Hitler! This is in violation of your social media contract. Please remove it ASAP." Miss Elizabeth, clearly not understanding her friend's warning or that he Facebook page was public for everyone to see, replied, "r u joking? I have a life outside of the club." What an idiot! Nothing there said that she wasn't allowed to have a life outside of the club, but everybody can see her racist rants. I love how dumb people can be!

Proof owner, Mike Bloem said in a statement, "Proof would like to confirm its belief in equality, fairness and tolerance to all our friends and partners. Sadly, on occasion, we are all exposed to ignorance and racism. We believe that by continuing to be true to our ideals and leading through our actions that each of us can be an agent for positive change." And then Jessica Elizabeth was fired.

You can't totally blame Jessica Elizabeth for her racist feelings. They had to come from her upbringing. Her parents were probably racist and maybe she thought that it was okay to speak like this. I have to be really honest, though, after looking at her photo, I didn't think a girl that looked like her even knew how to type or use a computer. How is that for stereotyping, Jessica? You dingbat!

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