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Welcome to a blog that has become home of the stupid....And what I think about their stupidity.

Friday, September 21, 2012


The woman to my left is Valerie Spruill from Doylestown, Ohio. She seems like a happy woman, right? Well, wait until you hear her story! It turns out; Valerie discovered that the man she married actually fathered her! Yes, you read correctly! In other words, her late husband was also her father! Valerie learned of her husband's identity six years after he passed away in 1998 when an uncle eventually came forward with the truth. She's coming out with her story now to inspire those going through a rough time. You know what this story inspires me to think? WTF?

Here's a little back story on this situation; Valerie's mother and father, Percy Spruill, first started dating when he was 15. It's unclear as to how many children they had together, but Valerie says that she is aware of six brothers. Valerie's grandmother started taking care of her when she was 3-months-old, but it wasn't until she was 9 when she discovered the first of many secrets within her family. She learned that the man she believed was her father was actually her grandfather. She would also learn that a woman who said she was a family friend was actually her mother! I hope Tyler Perry is reading this! It makes for a great movie!

Valerie's mom, Christine, passed in 1984. Valerie confirmed that Percy was her father with the help of a DNA test in 2004. She says that she can't say for certain whether he was aware of the extent of their relationship, though she believes he did know and was simply afraid to tell her. Valerie is still seeing a therapist to come to terms with this difficult revelation. She also hopes that her decision to go public will help her find more of her siblings!

I have a revelation! How about the fact that within those years of marriage, she was having sex with her father! How come no one's mentioned that yet? This whole article has been about finding her other siblings, but in reality, this whole revelation is extremely disturbing! Like I said, Tyler Perry, get that screenplay ready! If done right, this should be an amazing movie!

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