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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


How dumb do you have to be plot a mass murder on a public Facebook chat? I'm guessing as dumb as the two imbeciles, Natick Sands, left, and Ryan Ringuette, right. The pair of idiots in south Massachusetts are facing prison time for plotting a "Columbine"-style massacre at their former high school, while on Facebook. Wait a minute....their former high school? So, these guys don't even go this school anymore? That makes this story even dumber!

According to Attleboro police, the students at Attleboro High tipped them off on Monday about the graphic Facebook chat that Sands and Ringuette had about attacking their "former" school. Prosecutors said that the two talked about carrying out a "Columbine"-style massacre and even discussed potential targets during the public online chat.

Sands reportedly wrote that he wanted to take the first shots at the school's resource officer and front desk, while Ringuette predicted that the killing spree would be "Columbine" all over again, as he reminded his partner to 'lock all the doors'! At one point, Sands posted on his own page, "And people wonder why I talk about random mass killing sprees all the time." Okay, now that is a young man with some serious issues, and I think that we'd all be safer with him behind bars. I mean, I'm sure that we all thought at one time or another that we'd like to kill someone, but we all know in reality that we really can't nor would we unless we had mental issues like these kids.

The suspects families brushed off the threats, saying that the two weren't serious. I'm sorry, but if you see two people chatting in a public forum about a mass murder similar to a great tragedy like Columbine, you have to throw caution to the wind. These two could've been chatting about crashing planes into buildings! Should they be taken seriously then? Of course! Anyway, Sands' mother reportedly defended her son saying that the two boys were just 'two idiots having a conversation and that her son was merely blowing off steam after a fight with his girlfriend, while Ringuette's father said that his son was a good kid who just messed up. Well, court records tell us differently.

Apparently, Ringuette, who graduated from Attleboro last year, is on probation for a drug bust in 2010, while Sands is also on probation for assault and battery. I have to be honest, if I was Sands' girlfriend, I would steer clear of this psycho! As for Ringuette, how many times can his dad use that excuse, 'he's a good kid, he just messed up'? That runs it's course after awhile! The Bristol District Attorney stated that the threats were credible and are always taken seriously.

Both Sands and Ringuette pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to threatened use of a dangerous weapon at a school, and were held on $7500 bail. Ringuette openly wept during court as seen in the photo above.

According to Attleboro High School students, the news of the threats spread like wildfire through Facebook and Twitter, but they doubted that the duo actually meant to kill anyone, and that they were just trying to look tough on Facebook! You have to love "Facebook Muscles"! Hey, Ryan Ringuette! Your "Facebook Muscles" look pretty big in the photo above you big crybaby! 

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