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Monday, January 16, 2012


Today, we observe the birthday of one of the most significant Black leaders in American History, Martin Luther King, Jr. The day became a national holiday back in January of 1986 after a long battle in Congress to ratify the holiday. King is mainly remembered for his "I Have A Dream" speech, which he delivered 49 years ago, where he stated that he had a dream that all men are created equal. Well, would you say that Dr. King's dream came true?

Let's take a look! There's still racism in America, all men are not created equal, the gays can't marry who they really want to, and the nation is divided by political parties. To me, it sounds like we're worse off than when Martin Luther King made his speech. It's true that four years ago, a huge step in Dr. King's speech was taken when we (not me) elected in our first Black President in Barrack Obama. For many minorities, this meant a step in the right direction. Little did we know that Obama's Socialistic ways would turn this country into turmoil, then again, that's just my opinion.

And are all men really created equal these days? Races still seem to be segregated. There are just no signs separating people, but it's still there. For the most part, races do seem to be working together more cohesively these days, but there is still a sense of separation, especially, when it comes to sexual preference. Gay couples cannot get married in many states. Why can't they if all men are created equal? When you marry, you marry for love whether it's the same sex or not. If a man loves a man or a woman loves another woman, they should be able to marry. If they can't, isn't that discrimination? Isn't that what Martin Luther King was talking about? All Men and Women being created equal?

As for the political parties being divided, it seems more now than ever, that  this country is divided. Most of the Republicans that I know are hardcore, and most of the Democrats that I know are more pompous than ever. I feel that because of these parties, we're forgetting the simple fact that we're all Americans first, and because of that, this country is falling apart. We've become more of an "I don't like what they do" or "why did they do that" nation, rather than working together to make this nation the great nation that it is.

I don't know. Maybe it's me, but it just seems that things have gotten worse since Dr. King's speech. Why are we celebrating a speech that never came true? Actually, why are we celebrating his birthday at all? To me, it's just an extra day off from work. That's if you're company actually observes the holiday.

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