That's what brings me to today's story. Many of you have probably already read about it, but for those of you who didn't; this is Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer. He's a trophy-hunting American who recently sparked worldwide outrage after he killed a beloved lion that was lured off protected land in Zimbabwe. He is now facing poaching charges. The word is he paid $55,000 to a couple of local guides for the lion hunt earlier this month in the African nation.
According to authorities, the safari was more like a mob hit, with the unwitting 13-year-old king of the jungle known as Cecil was lured to his death on unprotected land outside of Hwange National Park. So, basically, Cecil The Lion was safe in his habitat, but this piece of shit Palmer and his two henchman lured Cecil out of the protected habitat, so they can kill him in unprotected territory. Yup! I'd say that was exactly like a mob hit!

Authorities in Zimbabwe charged the local men in the killing and are said to be seeking Palmer. The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority said, "All persons implicated in this case are due to appear in court facing poaching charges." Animal activists, celebrities and average Americans blasted the suddenly infamous dentist. The authority continued, "If, as has been reported, this dentist and his guides lured Cecil out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property, because shooting him in the park would have been illegal. He needs to be extradited, charged and preferably, hanged."
Angry Minnesotans left a half-dozen stuffed animals. including a toy lion outside the front foor of Palmer's shutterd office in Blooomington. Palmer, a married father of two, didn't fare much better on Yelp either for his practice. One user wrote on Palmer's River Bluff Dental page: "Want to see your cash go to killing animals in Africa?"
The slaying of Cecil was not the first time that Palmer drew law enforcement scrutiny. In 2008, he pleaded guilty to a felony charge tied to his shooting of a black bear in an unauthorized area of western Wisconsin. Palmer was convicted of making false statements by lying about the area the bear was shot. He was fined $3,000 and put on one year's probation. How does this guy have his own practice? Oh, it gets even better! In a separate case, his insurance company paid $127,500 to a former employee who accused the dentist of sexual harassment. Palmer, who claimed that he approved the settlement to dispose of the matter, made unwanted contact with the woman's breasts, buttocks and genitals. Like I said in my headline -- Lion Piece of Trash!
Palmer promised cooperation in the probe, but added he was not contacted by authorities in either Zimbabwe or the U.S. about the incident. He also stated that he relied solely on his guides and their expertise. Sounds to me like someone is lying here. Especially because his online bio reads: "a prolific big-game hunter who travels the world to stalk animals like elk, lions, rhinoceros, leopards and bighorn sheep." over!
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