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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


First of all, no one said that the water in New Jersey was clean! We're known as the Garden State, not the Fresh Water State. Secondly, what the hell is this =========>?
 Photos of this phallic-looking bloodied monster with teeth made waves on the Internet with 1.2 million hits. The photo looked like something taken from a scene in "Alien" or "Prometheus" or something. In reality, it was just a catch on a fisherman's boat in lovely Dirty Jersey. 

A New Jersey man was fishing when he spotted a massive eel-like fish in the water. Using his bow and arrow, which he conveniently had with him by the way, he snagged the creature with a shot right through the middle of it. The pic shows a long, thick sea animal covered in blood (from being punctured by the arrow) with big, thick lips at its top surrounding a cavity filled with small jagged teeth. Is it me, or is it possible that this thing is an alien from outer space? Because in all my years, I have never seen a 'creature' that looked like this on earth! Is it possible that there really is life outside of earth? I'll tell you what, the more I look at this photo, the more creeped out I get. 

The image was first posted on social news site Reddit.com and has already collected 1.2 million views. According to the person who took the photos, the man who caught the creature was a guy named Doug Cutler, who really didn't answer any calls regarding his deadly catch. The identity of this sea beast still remains a mystery because nobody has ever seen this creature before. I ask again, is it possible that this could really be an alien?

 Scientists at Outdoor magazine seem to 'think' that the creature might be a very large sea lamprey, a species of parasite that lives in certain northern Atlantic waters. According to a New York Department of Environmental Conservation, the photo doesn't allow the counting of gill openings (sea lampreys have seven per side), but based on the size alone, the creature appears to be a sea lamprey. Sea Lampreys typically measure up to about 3 feet, meaning that the creature in the photos is either a very large specimen or something else altogether. One other thing, sea lampreys began to show up more frequently in New Jersey waters in past years as aging damns have been removed from rivers for safety reason. 

Okay, now that we're all well-educated on sea lampreys, if that's what this really is, why hasn't anyone mentioned if this is dangerous? Are they carnivorous or are they vegetarians? It would be nice to know in the event that we run into them again. Regardless, I'm sticking to my original theory of the creature being from outer space and that eventually it's mother and father will be back to pick it up and when they realize that it's dead, Armageddon will occur! The end of the world is supposed to happen, right? Well, consider this the beginning of it.....

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