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Monday, July 14, 2014


     Last week, I blogged about a guy falling asleep at a Yankees game and now he's suing Major League Baseball. Today, I'm going to switch gears to concert etiquette and just put this out there; it might be bad parenting to bring a 4-month old child to a concert and breastfeed them in public. That's what Megan Christopherson did recently at a Brad Paisley concert, where she was asked to leave for the public display of breastfeeding.

     According to officials, Christopherson was asked to leave not only because of the public display, but because they feared for the safety of her child. Police told her that the child could be crushed or the loud noises from the amps and PA monitors could hurt the baby's hearing. Okay, as an avid concertgoer, I have to say that Christopherson is an asshole for bringing a 4-month-old infant to a concert. Get a babysitter to watch your baby in your trailer at the trailer park! A concert is no place for a baby, you moron! Christopherson proceeded to post a YouTube video (which has since been taken down) showing an officer telling her, "Where you're at, your child could get crushed. We're afraid your child's eardrums are being hurt." 

     Christopherson, who was also with her 8-year-old daughter, argued that the baby was fine, alseep and had been taken to previous concerts. Christopherson actually ended up leaving after she was offered a chance to go to a seated area for free or get a refund. A police statement was issued saying that the request for the mother to move was "not due to a mother's legal right to breastfeed in public." The statement also added that Christopherson was "near the stage wall area and mere feet away from the speakers." Others are singing a different tune saying that she was ejected because of the breastfeeding. Regardless, whether she was breastfeeding at a metal concert, a country concerts or an opera, the bottom line is that a concert is no place for an infant of 4-months to be at. Honestly, I think that this lady could breastfeed wherever the hell she wants! My problem is with the fact that she brought a child to a loud concert.

     Christopherson told a news channel, "I'm shocked. I'm disgusted at our society that women are shamed into nursing in bathrooms on their cars or feeding their baby in a bottle only because they're scared to nurse in public. It's a country concert. I wasn't at a death metal or a rap concert. It's pretty somber at country concerts." Also adding that she trusted her motherly instincts. Well, your motherly instincts are horrible and you put your child at risk of losing it's hearing. You really are an ass if you think that you were kicked out of this concert just for breastfeeding. Any mother with a brain would know that a child shouldn't be subjected to loud noised like a concert, especially at 4-months old when their hearing is probably most sensitive. Then again, fans of country music aren't all there upstairs.

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