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Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I still can't believe the devastation left behind by Hurricane Sandy. Throughout the day yesterday, I stayed online to see more and more photos that just blew my mind. Many of my friends and family are still without power, Governor Christie has postponed Halloween this year, and Disney just bought Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion in cash and stock shares. WHAT? Disney Execs are threatening to release the next trilogy in the Star Wars Saga in 2015 beginning with Episode VII with Episode VIII and IX to follow every two or three years following. I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. What will George Lucas's role be in creating the next trilogy, if he even has one at all? God, I hope Disney doesn't ruin this for Star Wars fans!

Anyway, Star Wars and Hurricane Sandy wasn't what I wanted to write about today. I figured that since it was technically Halloween, though for some us it's been postponed, I thought you might like to know about this little interesting study commissioned by LOVEFiLM.com. It turns out; watching adrenaline-pumping horror films can actually burn up calories and help you lose weight! Well, that's as long as you don't scoff down handfuls of buttered popcorn while you're watching. Researchers from the University of Westminster in the UK had subjects watch a variety of horror films while taking monitoring their heart rates, oxygen intake, carbon dioxide output, and calories burned. According to one researcher, "Each of the ten films tested set pulse rates racing, sparking and increase in the heart rate of the case studies." He added, "As the pulse quickens and blood pumps around the body faster, the body experiences a surge in adrenaline. It is this release of fast acting adrenaline, produced during short bursts of intense stress (or fear), which is known to lower the appetite, increase the Basal Metabolic Rate and ultimately burn a higher level of calories." There you have it! The horror movie diet! Who needs the gym? Just get on Netflix! 

Below are the top 10 calorie-burning horror movies. Rent them tonight, lose some weight, and have a Happy Halloween!

1)The Shining - 184 calories
2) Jaws - 161 calories
3) The Excorcist - 158 calories
4) Alien - 152 calories
5) Saw - 133 calories
6) A Nightmare on Elm Street - 118 calories
7) Paranormal Activity - 111 calories
8) The Blair Witch Project - 105 calories
9) The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - 107 calories
10) [Rec] - 101 calories

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