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Monday, November 26, 2012


So, when they first passed the law to make medical marijuana legal, I was all for it! The problem is that I never saw this coming, and I'm not really sure how I feel about it. Personally, I'd love to see what you guys think about this. It turns out; a seven-year-old girl who is suffering from leukemia is one of Oregon’s youngest medical marijuana patients. That's right! Now, she doesn't smoke the marijuana like most of 'you' do. Her mother says that she gives her daughter marijuana pills to combat her side effects of chemotherapy, but her father, who lives in North Dakota, worries about the effects of the drug on her brain development, and at her age, he might have a point. 

Mykayla Comstock was diagnosed with leukemia last spring. Her mother treats her with a gram of cannabis oil daily. She also credits the drug for the leukemia's remission and says she will try anything help her daughter. Mykayla says the drug helps her eat and sleep, but also makes her feel "funny." Her father, who is divorced from her mother, was so disturbed by his daughter's marijuana intake that he contacted child welfare officials, police and her oncologist. His concerns prompted a visit with Mykayla in August, where he says she was stoned out her mind, and all she wanted to do was lie on the bed and play video games. 

The father, Jesse Comstock, who works in a North Dakota oil field, pays child support to Mykayla's mother and covers Mykayla's health insurance. He said that he noticed strange behavior during an August visit and took Mykayla to a private lab, where technicians detected THC levels of an adult daily marijuana user. Gladstone police contacted Mykayla's mother, examined the little girl's medical marijuana paperwork, and told Mr. Comstock that there was little that they can do. Comstock, who admitted to using pot in the past, said he doesn't object to people over 16 using medical marijuana, but worries about his daughter's well-being and the potential for addiction. 

 Orgeon law requires no monitoring of a child's medical marijuana use by a pediatrician. The law instead invests authority in parents to decide the dosage, frequency and manner of a child's marijuana consumption. Yeah, I don't know about this. I'm all for people who are responsible adults smoking or using marijuana, but I'm not sure that I am okay with a 7-year-old using it. At that age, are their brains really fully developed? I don't even believe a 13-year-old's brain is fully developed. Then again she is only taking it in pill form and it's to combat her chemo side effects. This is why I am torn and am not really sure how I feel about this? I'd really like to hear from you parents out there......Who is right here? The mother or the father?  

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