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Welcome to a blog that has become home of the stupid....And what I think about their stupidity.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


This is a very short story, but a very odd one to say the least. That's why I'm choosing to share it with you. Now, would you tell this guy to stop masturbating in his own apartment? How can you? He's in the privacy of his own home, right? How about if we was waxing his porpoise in the front window of his apartment? I guess, you would have a good reason to ask him to stop because the neighbors can see him. Well, what if his face was disfigured like this? Don't worry, I'm not being malicious and I'll tell you why. 

This is 58-year-old Kenneth Haskins from Tampa, Florida. According to police, he recently set fire to his apartment complex after he was asked to stop masturbating in front of his open windows and doors. Haskins, who has been left disfigured from previously shooting himself in the face, allegedly torched his Tampa home's kitchen and bedroom this past Sunday night using a flammable liquid. The flames then spread to other units of the Mar Plaza Apartments. Haskins was said to have started the blaze to "get back" at management staff who requested he stop sexually pleasuring himself in a full view of other residents. Now, four people are left homeless as a result and luckily no one was injured. So, was I being malicious? Haskins is a piece of garbage and I would say that even if his face looked normal. First, he tries to kill himself with a shotgun. Oops! You didn't succeed, so now you have to live life looking like the Elephant man. I have no sympathy for anyone who tries to take their own life. Sorry! Secondly, you're asked to stop masturbating where people can see you and you set the whole apartment complex a blaze? How selfish can one person be? Now, four other tenants have to be displaced because you couldn't just masturbate in your bedroom or at least close the curtains. This guy is a total ass!

Haskins was arrested on Monday morning and charged with first-degree arson and is now being held in the Hillsborough County Jail on a $50,000 bond. Many of you might see his photo and feel bad for him, but after reading this story, he's nothing more than a mere monster, who obviously doesn't care about the people around him. So, why should we give two craps about him. Maybe he should've gotten it right the first time with the shotgun. Mean thing to say? Maybe, but you know you're thinking it too. 

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