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Wednesday, July 18, 2012


What kind of society have we become where we will leave a dead man on the sidewalk laying there to rot? That's what happened in Arlington, Virginia, recently! Riders were caught by a security video boarding a bus after walking past the body of a dead man sprawled out just a few feet from their stop. 

The July 1 bus video, which was released by the police, also caught a woman carrying a small shopping bag scurrying past the corpse of 35-year-old Edgar Francisco Aguilar from Arlington, VA. Onlookers literally walked by, regarding him like he was mere roadkill. Arlington police released the video in hopes that some of the witnesses will come forward with details about the fatal accident that killed Aguilar, which will assist them in the reconstruction of what happened that night because as of now, no one knows what happened to the deceased. 

The driver of the car in the apparent car accident has cooperated with authorities, who are trying to determine who was at fault in the fatality. Supposedly, the accident happened just minutes before the bus arrived. If you watch the video footage, you'll notice that no one calls 911 or even moves to check on the man, but all were clearly aware that there was body lying close by. In fact, the last group of kids that got on the bus, even motioned as if to say 'there's a dead body out there.' Even a bus rider got up to look out the window to take a look, but still not one person took their cell phone out to call 911. What is wrong with us? I would've expected this kind of behavior in New York City, but not in Arlington, Virginia. Maybe passersby just didn't want to believe there was a dead body laying there? Or maybe they just didn't want to get involved? Bottom line is that no one even stopped to check on this poor guy and that doesn't give us much hope as a society. What would you have done? 

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