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Wednesday, May 14, 2014


     All I could think of when I read this story was why does this stuff keep happening in China? It's so disgusting and makes us people of Chinese decent look pretty bad. Anyway, a Chinese diner thought her calamari was a bit too chewy. After spitting it out, she was disgusted when she found out the squid she'd been chewing on was actually a condom. Yup! As if the photo of this dish wasn't disgusting enough. 
     Mai Liang was halfway through her seafood-dish at an Anhui province restaurant when she discovered the "rubbery" ring in her mouth was actually a rubber. She says, "Imagine my horror when I turned it over with my fork and it turned out to be a contraceptive. It was disgusting. My first horrific thought was: Is it used?" Sick to her stomach, Liang complained to the wait staff. 

     The owner of the restaurant, Yi Ze Teng, came over to see what the commotion was about and then angrily accused Liang of planting the prophylactic in her food to get a free meal. Hey, to be honest, I wouldn't put it past someone to do something like that, but in this instance, I don't think Liang actually planted it. Why would she put something in her mouth that she planted? This is, however, a great idea for the next time I want to get a free meal! I'm only kidding! That is so low-class! Anyway, according to Liang, Teng told her that she would eat the condom herself if they left the matter as is and didn't sue the restaurant. Let's just say that Teng proceeded to eat the birth control device to keep her customers satisfied. 

     Liang chose not to keep her word and is now talking to lawyers to sue the restaurant. Why wouldn't she? That is absolutely disgusting! Plus, you don't know if the rubber was used or not. So not only are you eating the spermicide that they put on condoms, but you might be eating any of the love juices that were in it. If it was a gay cook, I don't even want to tell you what might've ended up in your food. Any way you slice it, this is gross and a lawsuit is the right thing. Just because the owner ate the condom, that shouldn't mean anything. That's on her and she is just as disgusting as her restaurant. 

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