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Tuesday, May 13, 2014


     Come on! We've all thought about it at one time or another. I don't even have kids yet, but when I hear my sister's kids crying; sometimes I just want to put my hand over their mouths and tell them to stop crying. Well, a nurse in the Philippines took it step further when she muzzled a crying newborn with a strip of tape in a maternity ward in the Philippines. 

     New father, Ryan Noval recently posted photos on Facebook showing his newborn son, Yohannes Noval, sleeping with a strip of what looks like Scotch tape across his upper lip and across both of his cheeks. Another snapshot shows the little boy, at just five days old, wailing away as the Scotch tape began to come off of his face. Am I the only one cracking up here? Yes, this was a mean thing to do, but the ball on this nurse. How can you not laugh at her attempt to shut this crying baby up? I wish I would have thought of it first!

     Noval claimed that his wife, Jasmine, returned to the nursery Friday evening to find the baby gagged with tape at the Cebu City hospital. The furious father wrote on Facebook, "This is not even close to being professional or humane. Jasmine immediately asked the attending nurse, 'why is there tape over his mouth?' The reply that she got from the nurse was 'your baby was TOO NOISY (crying) so I put that over his mouth." That is too funny! I know I'm going to catch a lot of flack for saying that, but come on. They put Scotch tape over the baby's mouth! That's not funny? A gag ball might have been funnier!

     The new mother found the baby had a wet diaper, something the nurse didn't bother to check. Noval said that Jasmine demanded the nurse to remove the tape, but was told "you can go ahead and take it off yourself, ma'am." I can see how this couple might've gotten pissed off now. The service in this hospital was horrible. The nurse eventually relented and took the tape off herself, ripping off some of the child's lip skin as she pulled off the sticky strip of tape. The couple complained about the incident to the information desk, and an investigation into the incident is said to be underway at the Cebu Maternity Hospital. 

     Noval later posted on Facebook with a few pics, "Meet my son, Yohannes Noval! He cannot speak about his horrific experience from the attending nurse's hands inside Maternity Hospital's nursery. So, we have to speak out for him. If you think your newborn babies are safe, think again. Your babies could be silent victims and you will never really know about it." I'm sorry. I do feel bad for this baby and the Noval family, but I still find these pics of the baby with the tape of his mouth hysterical. I can't be the only one. 

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