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Welcome to a blog that has become home of the stupid....And what I think about their stupidity.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


"What the hell" is basically the best I can say about this story. In yesterday's blog, I complained about how it's a complete coincidence that many of these stories seem to be coming from China a lot lately and today, I will continue that tradition as this disturbing story really caught my attention. 

You see, 26-year-old Yang Hu, a Chinese bachelor, who was really depressed about his love life, or lack there of, so he decided to slice his own penis off in the hope that he'd stop thinking about finding a girlfriend. What f**k is wrong with people? Seriously? Cutting off your penis will make you stop thinking about girls? I mean, I know the joke is that we, men think with our penises, but come on! 

Yang reportedly hacked off his junk at around 9 p.m. on Sunday after returning to his tiny apartment in Jiaxing in the Zhejiang province of China. A few seconds after he lopped off his goods, he had a change of heart and rode his bicycle to the hospital for treatment. Here's where the "Oh shit!" moment happened. He forgot to bring his severed manhood with him to the ER. Once he arrived and realized he forgot it at home, doctors ordered him to ride back home and get it. That is hilarious! This poor guy is bleeding with no penis and he rode a bicycle to the ER only to be told to ride back and get his penis. The doctors didn't even care that he was bleeding and in pain or anything. Then again, the penis was probably so small that he probably didn't even realize that it was gone and that's why he left it behind.

Anyway, he returned to the hospital for a second time, and the doctors realized that his organ had been without blood for too long and therefore, could not be reattached. OH MY GOD! According to reports, Yang had been feeling low since moving to the city because his long work hours at a clothing factory meant he was unable to find a female companion. His friends have blasted doctors for not providing an ambulance, claiming if he hadn't been forced to bike back, then his privates could have been saved. 

Here's my two cents; a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a guy in China who lost his nose in a car accident and was actually able to grow another nose on his forehead. Well, Yang can do the same! Yang can grow a wang on his forehead and once it grows to a certain size, he can have the surgeon place it where his old penis used to be. It sounds like a logical surgery to me. The only bad thing is that this guy will have to walk around with a penis on his forehead for a little while. Thank God he's Chinese! He could just say it's a pimple!

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