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Welcome to a blog that has become home of the stupid....And what I think about their stupidity.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


     I received this story yesterday afternoon from my buddy, Les Baker, and since he texted it to me, I strangely find myself looking at this photo every five minutes. Then the story kind of started showing up on Facebook all night last night, so many of you already know the story about Jasmine Tridevil. For those of you looking at this photo confused as to why Jasmine has three boobs. Buckle yourself in because I'm about to tell you. 

     This is 21-year-old Jasmine Tridevil from Orlando, Florida. She says that she spent $20,000 for a third breast to make herself "unattractive to men." Well, honey, according to all of the Facebook posts that I read last night, your plan worked the opposite way. I've read that "three boobs are better than two boobs", "three times the fun" and "now you can have a foursome." Basically, guys will be more attracted to you now out of sheer curiosity. So, nice job!

     The admittedly "crazy" massage therapist told an Orlando radio station in a bizarre interview that she had the plastic surgery because she doesn't want to date anymore. She told the host of the show, "Well, I am crazy. Crazy people don't know that they are crazy, so technically since I know I'm crazy, I'm not really crazy." Wow! This chick isn't crazy. She's absolutely nuts! She didn't need a third boob to keep men away. She can do it with her nuttiness. 

     Jasmine said she had to see countless doctors before finding one that would actually do the surgery. The procedure cost $20,000. She later told the radio host that she had aspirations to be a reality TV star and hopes to get a show on MTV. How's that for a solicitation. When the host asked her about her new addition to her boob family, she told him that "to me, it just feels like another boob. The only difference is the nipple, that doesn't feel like the other ones."

     Her parents, though, apparently did not take the news too well. She said, "I told my mom on camera and she literally ran out the door." Well, duh! Not for nothing, but she looks like an alien now or like the three-breasted hooker from the movie Total Recall. Here's a photo of the three-breasted hooker from the remake with Colin Farrell. To be honest, I'm not sure what I would do with three boobs. I have a tough enough time playing with two. When you pay more attention to one, you know the other one gets jealous. Can you imagine three? Dear lord! There is a part of me, though, who would love to take a look at these babies uncovered, but since Miss Jasmine Tridevil doesn't like men anymore, I doubt anyone will get a look at them.

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