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Monday, October 29, 2012


Is everyone staying dry? Hurricane Sandy has finally hit our shores, but instead of inundating you with more weather reports, here's a weird story out of Colombia that seems to come out just in time for Halloween. You can choose whether to believe it or not. 

So, apparently, black magic and evil spirits have captured the soul of a newborn in Colombia, who can allegedly walk by himself and produce fire at the age of four weeks old. Well, that's what his mother says anyway. Ana Feria Santos gave birth to her son last month, but says her bundle of joy quickly turned to a bundle of fear when she noticed that he had a few abnormalities, which led to her fears that he might be the devil in disguise, or in her words, "El Diablo"! 

According to Santos, the boy can already stand up and walk, which everybody knows is virtually impossible for a child of four weeks, and he frequently hides around the house in dark places while cackling in an 'adult' way for hours on end. Not to mention, he has an 'intimidating' pair of eyes. Her neighbors in the town of Lorica, near the Caribbean coast, also say that the boy is possessed by a 'malignant spirit' and that he is capable of producing fire. Yeah right! Does anybody believe any of this B.S.? Neighbors are saying this because of burn marks found on the baby's clothing and a sofa where he regularly sits.

The news spread around the small town like wildfire leading to vigilant attacks on Santos and her taxi-driving husband, Oscar Palencia Lopez's house. Frightened neighbors began pelting their house with stones on a nightly basis. What the hell is throwing rocks at someone's house going to do? What is this? The 1920s? Doctors do not believe Santos's story and have launched an investigation into the possibility that the new-born could have been abused. A team of psychologists, a social worker, a nutritionist, and a lawyer are now looking into the case because now, they say; the child is showing signs of abuse. The parents have received a warning while the facts are being clarified. I'm waiting to see the outcome of this one. Wouldn't it be great if the baby's head spins around like Linda Blair's in The Exorcist? This story is too much!

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