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Monday, May 18, 2015


     One thing I always believed in as an adolescent was that marijuana wasn't only something illegal for us to ingest when we were younger (well it still kind of is), but it was always the friend-maker. That's seriously no joke! When I was younger and used to partake (as if I don't now), I made more friends than I can ever imagine. It was almost like potheads always took care of each other or better yet, they never wanted to smoke alone, so they would seek a buddy. At my wedding, my cousin and best man said in his toast that growing up with me was always interesting because anywhere I went, someone would know me or I would know them from parties that I met them at two years prior. In being honest, I owe a lot of those friendships back then and today to simply sharing a joint with them. 

     That brings me to today's blog. Potheads around the world looking for someone to share a joint with have a new app that lets them find like-minded smokers around the world. That is awesome! I used to have to do it the old-fashioned way at a party, a concert, family functions or by simply cracking a marijuana joke, which would open the doors to smoking with strangers. This app makes making new friends so much easier. 

     The creator of the "Who is Happy" app, a Brazilian epilepsy sufferer who wants the drug decriminalized (don't we all?), says his software is kind of a "Foursquare for stoners," comparing it to the app that allows users to rate restaurants and other places they visit. Creator Paulo Costa said, "The app is the first global platform of its kind allowing cannabis consumers to connect and unite to promote happiness while de-stigmatizing and hopefully decriminalizing cannabis use around the world." 

     Users who anonymously log their location will see a green cloud appear on the app's map, covering a half-mile radius. They can then check to see if others are partaking anywhere nearby, or elsewhere in the world. A greater number of users increases a location's "happiness" quotient. Having been of the top-30 downloaded apps in Brazil, the app ranks the home nation as the biggest user and therefore the happiest country. I have a feeling the U.S. can top that. Marijuana has been decriminalized for recreational and medical use in some U.S. states but it is still illegal in Brazil. Wait a minute! If it's still illegal in Brazil, wouldn't this be an easy way for the police to track where people are smoking pot or where they might even be picking up? Hmmm....This app doesn't seem as cool anymore when we look at it that way. It would be a cool app for places where smoking pot was legal because then you would have no problem finding friends to share a joint, a bat hit or a bong hit with. I guess regardless of its tracking capabilities, still a very a cool app!

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